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Setting up your Time Off Balances

1. Watch - An Overview of the Balance Setup Process

2. Create a list of
Absence Reason Codes:

First, we need a list of absence reasons that you'll be assigning balances to for each employee. 

  2. Write down the exact Name and Identifier of each Absence Reason you want to assign balances for. 
  3. If you use Absence Categories (aka "Buckets"), write down the exact Name and Identifier of your absence reason category as well.


Do I need to use Categories?

Categories, or Buckets, are ONLY needed when multiple reasons pull from the same balance. For example:

  • A teacher gets 10 "Sick Leave Category" Days. 
  • The teacher takes two "Sick - Personal" days, and the "Sick Category" balance drops to 8. 
  • The teacher then takes a "Sick - Family" absence > the "Sick Category" balance drop to 7.

Do your balances work this way? If so, use Categories.



3. Choose your Negative Balance Settings


To allow
Negative Balances:

  2. Click an absence reason, then click the EDIT button.
  3. Click the YES button under 
    "Should a balance be allowed to go negative for this absence reason?"
  4. Click SAVE.

Repeat for each absence reason.


4. Create your list of Employees

Now we need a list of your employees and their Identifiers. These ID's will be used to assign balances to each employee in your Balance Import File. If you have a list of employee ID's from another system, excellent! Feel free to use that list. If not, use the directions below to get a list of employee ID's.

  2. Click EXPORT REPORT on the right. 
  3. Open the file, and remove any employees from this list that will not receive any balances
  4. Delete all columns from the excel doc except the FULL NAME and the IDENTIFIER column. Save it to your computer. 

5. Download the Balance Import File

We will upload your Absence Balances through Red Rover's importer.
But in order to import your balances, we have to get your data into the correct format. Download the Balance Worksheet (to the right) to set up your import file.

6. Watch - Understand the Balance Import File

7. Set up your Balance Import File

Now, use your list of employees, and Absence reasons to set up your Balance Import File.  Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • A: Sort your file by "Identifier" to group employees. If an employee gets three balances, then that employee needs three rows.

  • B & C:  Individual Absence Reasons go in the "Absence Reason ID" column, and Categories go in the "Absence Reason Category ID" column. 
  • D: Watch your Tracking Types. If an employee gets 40 hours, make sure you don't give them 40 days.

When you're finished, you should have something that looks like this:

Balancce File Breakdown

8. Send your Balance Import File to your Implementation Rep!

Nicely Done! Now that you've set up your Balance Import File, send it to your Implementation Partner so they can review the file, and import your balances for you. 
