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Red Rover User Huddle
Free Webinar

Join us for a deep dive on all the new features that we’ve recently added to Red Rover. We’ll also train you on pertinent topics to grow your knowledge, and answer any questions that you bring to the table.

Wednesday, Feb 26th

2:00 PM ET

Huddle__Full Color with Red Rover Lockup

Join our Red Rover Huddle on
Wednesday, Feb 26th,
2:00 PM ET

We are constantly adding new features to Red Rover. As such, there are always new things to learn. We want to help you utilize all the great tools we’ve provided you on an ongoing basis.

During this
Red Rover User Huddle
we'll help you:

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to the new features that we’ve created and added to Red Rover.


with training topics so you’re always growing in your Red Rover knowledge.


Red Rover and bring your questions and share your feedback so we can make Red Rover the best it can be!

The webinar will last roughly one hour. If you are not able to join live, we will be posting a recording of the session to our Help Center.
Can’t wait to see you!
