Old-school substitute and absence management solutions were built for the single district and made it way too complicated and time-consuming to manage substitutes across multiple districts. No one has time for that now. With a thoroughly modern interface and streamlined features for district staff and substitutes, we’ve made it easier, more flexible, and better for your agency, your member districts, and the substitutes you place and manage.
Are you stuck setting up separate databases and struggling through regular imports to sync substitute data into multiple organizations one at a time? With Red Rover you can enter substitute data one time and manage which districts each individual substitute can serve.
Red Rover can generate meaningful cross-district reporting for you with the click of a button. Easily find which jobs still need subs as well as those folks still qualified and available to take an assignment.
You can search easily for confirmation numbers and people within the scope of Red Rover’s consortia administration tools with universal search across all member districts.
Substitutes can now accept one invitation and be added to the available pool in the member districts you specify automatically. It’s easier for substitutes and it eliminates the hassle of duplicate records in your systems as well.
Whether your agency provides full-service programs to your school districts, or works as a clearinghouse, Red Rover is purpose-built for service agencies, making absence management visibly better and measurably more efficient for the member districts you serve.
Don’t just take it from us! Hear from other district leads who made the switch to Red Rover.
We’ve gone from having days where we had to scramble to find coverage before Red Rover, now to a 100% fill rate nearly every day since our go-live. Our subs have become much more active.
Breanna Bell, HR Coordinator, Berrien RESA
Red Rover builds best-in-class software solutions for mission-critical tasks in school workforce management. Join 1,300+ school districts in the Red Rover revolution today.
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